“Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. ”
— Proverbs 31: 29-30
This fellowship is ecumenically theme oriented and is the most vibrant group of our church. We are dedicated towards educating and bringing women into an intimate relationship with the Heavenly Father has been their goal. Motives to share the gospel of Christ and touching lives helping them build their will power is the best example for God’s providence in our families. Striving to accomplish the canonical epilogue of Proverbs.
Our activities range from discussions empowering women with Holy Spirit to outreach programmes touching thousands of lives with the triunal supremacy as their side. Like Esther, we believe that God answers while fast and pray; and for this we meet every week (Check timing below) in our church premises. It’s a great joy to welcome all sisters in Christ to join this fellowship and share Christ’s burden for prayer.
I thank & praise Lord Jesus Christ for choosing me to serve as Women’s Fellowship (WF) Secretary at CSI, Wesley Church, Ramkote. I humbly thank Rev. U. Daniel Presbyter-In-Charge, Presbyters, WF President Mrs. U. Chrisolite Daniel, Elders, Office Bearers & PC members for their confidence in me & for their continued support. I thank my Mom & Dad for the values & God fearing nature they have instilled from my childhood. I thank my husband, my son & my daughter for their love & support to me to serve in this ministry. I also thank previous WF secretaries for grooming & mentoring me.
Women’s Fellowship Secretary : Mrs. Kumidini Jonathan
Women’s Fellowship: Every Thursday 6.30pm
Fasting Prayers: Every Friday 11.00am – 3.00pm