Children's ministry

A seed sown in good soils yields hundred, sixty or thirty times what is sowed.” This is a group which exclusively helps children to learn and know about Christ at a very young age.

Youth ministry

The Youth wing of our Church – The Wesley Youth Fellowship is a close-knit, Christ centred and a group that is rooted in The Word. 

Women ministry

This fellowship is ecumenically theme oriented and is the most vibrant group of our church. We are dedicated towards educating and bringing women close to God

Prayer cell

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Poor fund

“Fellowship Lunch with Poor” which is a humble program initiated in the year 2012, and has been conducted in our Church every Wednesday serving on an average 500 people. 


Choir is the backbone of a Church. Church of Ramkote is one of the best and thrives to be more in the coming days for the Glory of God! Only he is worthy of praise !


Our church’s Bhajana team is a group of men who donate their time to sing and perform music for the bereaved and their families. While it’s a church ministry, it is also a valuable gift to the deceased’s family.

Media Ministry

Media ministry started in 2016 by Mr.Prabodh with minimum equipment, the team then managed to scale up necessary equipment to Glorify God .


Wesley Guild

Media ministry started in 2016 by Mr.Prabodh with minimum equipment, the team then managed to scale up necessary equipment to Glorify God .


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit hac ullamcorper aliquet vivamus nisl et aliquam vestibul

Wade Warren

Monarch Inc.

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Darrell Steward

Bloom Global

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